Clothing the Homeless is a 501(c)(3) charity that relies solely on donations. Your support is not just a donation; it's a lifeline for those who rely on us. We urgently need your help to ensure we can pay storage fees for our van and clothing. Every contribution, no matter the size, will help us continue our mission.

Your donation of a sleeping bag can provide warmth and safety to someone experiencing homelessness this winter. Help us make a difference by donating a sleeping bag today.

We have a BIG need for men's belts, men's underwear and women's underwear. Please consider donating these items as they are very much needed.

CTH is run completely by volunteers and we could use your help.
We need help sorting and organizing donations as well as distributing clothes to the homeless.
All distributions are held outdoors with safety precautions.
Please click on one of the links to find out more as well as how to sign up.
Saturday, Apr 12 - Distribution at the Hub Resource Center in Orange
Distribution at the Hub Resource Center -
COMPLETED: Mar 8 - Distribution at the Hub Resource Center
Our volunteers distributed necessities to 70 homeless.
COMPLETED: Feb 15 - Distribution at the Southwest Community Center
Our volunteers distributed necessities to 72 homeless.
COMPLETED: Jan 11 - Distribution at the Hub Resource Center
Our volunteers distributed necessities to 72 homeless.

The Covid pandemic and restrictions have impacted all of us.
We've been fortunate to have our generous sponsors and other big-hearted individuals continue to donate backpacks, clothing and other items.
Since many of our past distribution sites were closed due to Covid, we had to think of new ways to distribute clothing and other necessities to the increasing number of people living on the streets.
For most of this year, our Director Mitch and a few other dedicated volunteers have conducted impromptu "Ninja Runs".
For our Ninja runs, we load the van with necessities: backpacks, blankets, sweaters, jackets, etc.
We drive to areas in Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, Anaheim, Stanton, and Riverside to distribute these items directly to people living on the streets.
We've been able to serve over 600 individuals with some basic necessities to help them survive on the streets.
We are grateful for all your monetary, clothing and other items donated to help make these runs possible.

Do you have a sleeping bag that you haven't used recently? Consider donating it to CTH.
How To Donate Sleeping BagsWe rely 100% on volunteers from all faiths and backgrounds to help at distributions and our "Ninja Runs".
How You Can Help
"I can't thank you enough for your donations to our agency today. The donation was incredibly generous. I hope that you did enjoy giving as much as I enjoy all the hope and comfort these clothes will bring to the people I serve every day."